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Showing posts from October, 2021

#DEAFTALENT® Conscious or Unconscious Bias & Respecting Black Deaf Creators

Topic: Conscious or Unconscious Bias & Respecting Black Deaf Creators  #Accountability #EnoughisEnough Discussion about conscious bias and unconscious bias in the deaf community and calling out Nyle DiMarco, Roselee Gallimore, CSD, DPAN, Melissa Yingst (MelMira), and Convo, regarding my intellectual properties, #DeafTalent® and Deaf Talent®, and a slew of others.  (SEE TRANSCRIPT BELOW.) RESPECT #BIPOCDeafPlatform #SocialJusticeActivist #BlackDeafCreatives #BlackDeafWomen #DeafTalentMedia #DTMEC #DeafTalentCasting #DeafTalentCampaign #BlackDeafEcosystem #CEASEANDDESIST  #IntellectualPropertyLaw #Trademark #WhitePrivilege #consiousbias #unconsciousbias  #antiblack #racism #Racismamongdeafcreators  #dismantlingoppression  #deafecosystemerasesBIPOCcreators SEE TRADEMARK CERTIFICATES DEAF TALENT® MEDIA (DTMEC) De...

Sundance Film Festival 2020

Landed in Salt Lake City! On the way to our hotel at Heber City. Being interviewed at the Filmmaker's Lodge Partying up at the Black House Charles and Stacy King at Macro event. The MICA Scoop Crew and Jade Films Acting School GLAAD Panel and Brunch Black, Queer, and Unapologetic Writers and Creators at the Filmmaker Lodge T Ava's Cherish The Day Panel at The Black House I don't think Sundance accessibility team realizes the  importance of having Black interpreters for Black speakers on their panels.