Topic: Conscious or Unconscious Bias & Respecting Black Deaf Creators #Accountability #EnoughisEnough Discussion about conscious bias and unconscious bias in the deaf community and calling out Nyle DiMarco, Roselee Gallimore, CSD, DPAN, Melissa Yingst (MelMira), and Convo, regarding my intellectual properties, #DeafTalent® and Deaf Talent®, and a slew of others. (SEE TRANSCRIPT BELOW.) RESPECT #BIPOCDeafPlatform #SocialJusticeActivist #BlackDeafCreatives #BlackDeafWomen #DeafTalentMedia #DTMEC #DeafTalentCasting #DeafTalentCampaign #BlackDeafEcosystem #CEASEANDDESIST #IntellectualPropertyLaw #Trademark #WhitePrivilege #consiousbias #unconsciousbias #antiblack #racism #Racismamongdeafcreators #dismantlingoppression #deafecosystemerasesBIPOCcreators SEE TRADEMARK CERTIFICATES DEAF TALENT® MEDIA (DTMEC) De...
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