I was delighted to reunite with Gina Price-Bythewood, a groundbreaking filmmaker who has been pushing the boundaries of the industry for years. Her film 'Love and Basketball' premiered at the Pan African Film Festival in Los Angeles 20 years ago, and she has since become the director of 'The Woman King,' a film that I believe is a true masterpiece. I was proud to introduce her to Deaf Talent® Media, a platform that provides consultation and deaf actors for filmmakers like herself. Gina and her husband, Reggie, showcased their new film, MLK/X, at the Urban World Film Festival, cementing her status as a true innovator in the film industry. Instagram: MICA_Scoop Reggie Rock Bythewood seen in the other photo is her husband. He is also a stellar director. They are the executive producers of Nat Geo's GENIUS: MLK/X, a new tv series. @urbanworldff @gpbmadeit @rockthefilm @deaftalentmedia @deaftalentcasting @mica_scoop #MICAScoop #Media #Press #Film #DeafTalentMedia #
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