DEAF TALENT® © Copyright Thank you for dropping by to support a social issue and fundraising cause so we can produce our movie, "The Double Life of Zhane Rain." (The title has now changed to "The Shattered Mind.") Our goal is to spread and spreading awareness that we need more Deaf Talent ® (of Color) in the mainstream movie industry and in television. That's why as a writer, I am producing a movie by us and about us because nobody is going to do it for us. We want to attract media attention and let the world know what we are trying to do. We're very tired of being overlooked and not having our voices heard. (See press release from 2012) We're planning a Deaf Talent® Movement for change in film and TV by using hashtags support #DEAFTALENT®, #POCDEAFTALENT, #DEAFBLACKFILM, #DEAFERSITY, or #DEAFTALENTSOFCOLOR to spread awareness and representation about our film, The Double Life of Zhane Rain, written by first...
Art • Technology • Fashion • Film • Music Videos • Celebrity Looks • DEIA
NICE SHOT!! Love the pictures.. :-)